Цялостни проекти Dairy Farm
Feasibility study
You have a new business idea, but is it financially and/or technically healthy? We check with our experts the feasibility of it, so you have a good base to decide.
Farm design
With our experience we can a complete technical and financial plan to set up a modern dairy farm based on your conditions.
Projectmanagement development of farm/management of building and construction
We can do the projectmanagement during the building of your farm, negotiating with suppliers and banks and control the building process.
Management startup phase
The average farmer maybe starts 1-2 times in his/her life to build a new farm. Our manager have experience with the startup of min. 5 farm. They prevent that you have to make the same mistakes again.
Financial management and investment plans
Do I have the right loans? How can I improvement my cash management? How to improve my solvability? Is my investment plan realistic? These are questions we can help you with eventually in combination with the negotation at the bank.
Investors search and fund raising
Holland Dairy House has a wide international network, we can assist you in searching for investment partners worldwide