Dairy Farm (от почвата за охлаждане на резервоара)

You want new ideas to improve your farm? In a couple days we do a general quickscan of your farm. Improvement of cow fertility, health, hoofs, milkquality, production pro cow, roughage production, rations, HRM, financial ratios, calving time, etc. etc. will be studied, based on our experience with other dairy farms.
The goal is action and not a big report, the results will be presented at 1 A4. If wished we can assist you with the implementation.

Business planning
You are thinking about starting up a new agribusiness activity? We can assist you in the planning of this, including the writing of a bankable businessplan.

Feasibility study
You have an idea, but is it financially and/or technically healthy? We check with our experts the feasibility of it, so you have a good base to decide.

Strategy development and implementation
The dairy markets are rapidly changing (quota system, effect of China, Russia, subventions, environment etc.). What do you want to reach in the coming ten years ..what is your vision and what can your company reach? We can help you with these questions and help you with the implemention of the answers.

Financial management and investment plans
Do I have the right loans? How can I improvement my cash management? How to improve my solvability? Is my investment plan realistic? These are questions we can help you with eventually in combination with the negotation at the bank.

Investors search
Holland Dairy House has a wide international network, we can assist you in searching for investment partners worldwide

We work together with Romanian experts for the application and acquisition of subventions in the new NRDP program. We can do the whole application

Result improvement projects

  • How can I improve cow fertility?
  • There are ongoing hoof health problems. How can I solve them?
  • My roughage doesn’t seem to be good enough. And, what ration should I feed my cows?
  • How can I improve milk quality?
  • How can I improve the organisation of the work? How can I improve the management of the workers?
  • How can I make sure the calves get good colostrum?
  • How can I make my farm more profitable?

These are the questions we deal with in our result improvement projects. Depending on your demands we make a focus.

Human resources management
The quality and motivation of your employee is crucial for your success. Especially bigger farms can have problems with this. How do I get good employees and how do I keep them?

Mergers and acquisitions
Holland Dairy House assists companies in the selling of parts of their company and also in the purchasing of new parts. We have a big international experience and knowhow of the agribusiness and this is of high importance to make the right decision. What is the value of the activity now, but even more important what is the value in the future and in combination with your existing activities. Nothing is so bad, that you realise one year after the acquisition that your strategy was not right. We can help you as buyer and as seller.